Donges Folding Knives

Dönges GmbH und Co KG is a leading system supplier for fire brigades, rescue services, authorities, the German armed forces and industry, based in the Bergisches Land region, the heart of German tool production. In close co-operation with the renowned Boker company, which can look back on over 150 years of experience in the development and manufacture of knives, Dönges has developed an innovative series of rescue knives for professional users.

This new series of rescue knives has been specially designed to meet the requirements of the fire brigade, rescue services, police and military and is divided into four main categories: Firefighting, Rescue, Law Enforcement and Military. Each category offers a wide range of models tailored to specific needs and operational scenarios. The series is divided into three "user levels": Basic, Professional and Expert. This categorisation enables users to select the most suitable rescue tool for their individual requirements. Each of the 8 rescue tools is characterised by the highest quality, functionality and reliability and has been thought through and developed down to the smallest detail.

From simple basic tools to professional and expert solutions, the rescue knife series from Dönges and Boker offers a wide selection of high-quality products for every need and every deployment scenario.